Friday, December 8, 2006

Time Warner Commercial..

OH MY GOD! Kill me - just kill me. If I have to hear this awful, terrible commercial again I will go insane. This Time Warner commercial (Time Warner is a god-awful company by the way- I have had so many problems with them that if it weren't for the fact that I have no choice in my area but to use them I would never even think about it) is possibly the worst thing I have ever heard.

They have this dorky grown-up Harry Potter looking guy singing about their Road Runner internet service in a high pitched god awful voice to the tune of Jingle Bells. He does a dorky dance even - but who cares about that, it is the voice that gets to me. I know it is meant to be annoying like this - but if I didn't have Time Warner as my cable company I probably wouldn't go and use them simply because of this commercial. It has made me hate Time Warner even more than I thought was possible!

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