Tuesday, November 21, 2006

First Post

This blog will be my way of venting about the god-awful TV commercials I am pretty much forced to sit through all day. I work in an investment group, and every hour of every day CNBC is on the air. I don't mind the channel- I particularly like to sit and think of how Maria Bartiromo would look in a thong (I'm thinking pretty good...). I do, however, sit right in front of the Television. This unholy box brings to my ears an endless stream of 'catchy' jingles and terrible acting- no not from the news, from the commercials.
I have never in my life been so sick of commercials. I find myself, literally, whistling these tunes to myself at night. I can recite the words verbatim, I even know the actors and notice when they are in the new Burger King commercial vs the Toyota commercial from the other week.
It is a sad, sad thing.
It is also a source of amusement to people who know me- I constantly critque commercials when i see them now, and god forbid if it is one of the major offendors that I hear at least 10 times a day!
I feel that if you can't sit through the same commercial a dozen times a day and not be sick of it, it is nothing more than mindless, annoying, and just might turn viewers off from the product which is being sold. I know I will never, ever, buy some thing just because I am so annoyed at the commercials and the mental anguish they put me through all day.
Yes I am bitter. Now I will have a place to rant about the commercials I have to sit through each day. I will do my best to describe my feelings as they jingle their way through my ear drums. I will also give praise the the elite few- the commercials that I actually enjoy, even after the 10,000th time.
I feel as if my years of sitting in front of the TV have given me a good 'ear' for what will, and won't, work. What will annoy the viewer, and what will actually get them to go out and buy what is being sold. I might not have official credentials, but I can guess that I listen to more commercials per day than the avergage commercial producer- and so I am probably a better judge.
No one may ever read my blog- I find I am not all that funny, much to my chagrin, and have a hard time getting out all the thoughts that flit through my head in a coherent manner. But I really don't care- I am not writing this to bask in the fame and fortune that being a pro 'blogger' brings ;) I just need a place to vent...
Like to cook? You can also check out my cooking blog (apparently I have lots of free time at my job...) at http://www.20somethingcookingguide.blogspot.com/
I will be posting as something attaches itself to my ear and forces its way into my brain...

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