Thursday, November 30, 2006

ESQ and U - ESQ Watches

Haven't posted in a while- I have been really busy at work... but this stupid commercial just came on and I have to rant!

Picture uber preppy in park.

Man: "I'm not a workaholic, but I'm close"
Woman: "I enjoy being spontaneus."

Supposedly they are saying this while hugging in a park on a breezy day. A stupid jingle plays in the background- 'da da dadadadadad ooooohhhoooohhhh'.

For some reason this is supposed to sell a crappy watch that look no different than any other watch I have ever seen. It is one of the more annoying jingles I have ever heard- the only saving grave of this piece of crap is that it only lasts 10 seconds or so. whew! any longer and I would be sticking pencils in my ears...being deaf might be kinder than hearing that song go on any longer!

Still working on finding the YouTube vids for these commercials- hope to have some up soon!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


OK this commercial is one of the worst. It is for a cell phone which is easy for older people to use because it only has a few programmable buttons to push. This isn't a new concept and the phone goes for "three easy payments" of $49.99!!! My god- $150 for a phone like this is just silly. Not to mention the awful "jiiiiterbug' jingle they came up with and the bad acting.

I cringe everytime it comes on- the song eats my brain and I can feel it crushing my testicles. I hope no one buys this piece of crap.

Delta Skymiles

I am unsure if I enjoy this commercial or not. I think the tuba in the background is really annoying, but it makes the tune stick in your head. I don't really like the commercial itself- it is pretty boring- just showing random things happening that you can earn skymiles for- but at least it isn't a bunch of bad acting and ear splitting music.

Continental Airlines "Work Hard Fly Right"

This is one of the few commercials I actually enjoy. The catchy piano jingle is pretty funny- and doesn't grate on my nerves even after the 1,000th time listening to it. I like seeing the stewardess on the 'other' airlines pulling the pillows out from under the heads of the sleeping passengers, and stealing the food from their mouths.

I don't know why, but something about it it truly entertaining. Now if Continental can just lower their prices so poor people like me can afford to fly them (I just booked a round trip to Vegas from NY for $400 from them- ugh), I might just use them more often!

I think I am going to start linking to YouTube if I can find the clips of these commercials- I can't do that at work as the site is blocked- but then you can actually see what I am talking about!

Volvo "Who Would You Give A Volvo To?" Commercial...

Well this commercial doesn't bother me so much because of the commercial itself. There isn't any annoying jingle, the actors are pretty decent, and they are actually pretty cute (yes I said cute). However there IS NO CONTEST!!!! It is a trick- you go to their website and track down the commercial site- and you can type your own essay complete with pictures about who you would give a volvo to and why. Why in the world would you do this? Because they trick you into thinking that there is a Volvo out there waiting to be won by the person most deserving of it.
I cry foul - there is no contest - no matter how heart-wrenching your story is you will never never win a Volvo! Not only is it confusing, it pisses me off! What is the big deal for such a large company to actually give away one single car? In my opinion this is pretty bad PR - I wasted 5 full mins of my day checking to see if I could enter the contest since my Mom really needs a new car and loves Volvos - the perfect story! The only reason I even realized it was a hoax was from checking other sites first which were complaining about the same thing.
I give this commercial a D-, they would have scored much higher except for the vile lie that suggests you could actually win one of their cars.

First Post

This blog will be my way of venting about the god-awful TV commercials I am pretty much forced to sit through all day. I work in an investment group, and every hour of every day CNBC is on the air. I don't mind the channel- I particularly like to sit and think of how Maria Bartiromo would look in a thong (I'm thinking pretty good...). I do, however, sit right in front of the Television. This unholy box brings to my ears an endless stream of 'catchy' jingles and terrible acting- no not from the news, from the commercials.
I have never in my life been so sick of commercials. I find myself, literally, whistling these tunes to myself at night. I can recite the words verbatim, I even know the actors and notice when they are in the new Burger King commercial vs the Toyota commercial from the other week.
It is a sad, sad thing.
It is also a source of amusement to people who know me- I constantly critque commercials when i see them now, and god forbid if it is one of the major offendors that I hear at least 10 times a day!
I feel that if you can't sit through the same commercial a dozen times a day and not be sick of it, it is nothing more than mindless, annoying, and just might turn viewers off from the product which is being sold. I know I will never, ever, buy some thing just because I am so annoyed at the commercials and the mental anguish they put me through all day.
Yes I am bitter. Now I will have a place to rant about the commercials I have to sit through each day. I will do my best to describe my feelings as they jingle their way through my ear drums. I will also give praise the the elite few- the commercials that I actually enjoy, even after the 10,000th time.
I feel as if my years of sitting in front of the TV have given me a good 'ear' for what will, and won't, work. What will annoy the viewer, and what will actually get them to go out and buy what is being sold. I might not have official credentials, but I can guess that I listen to more commercials per day than the avergage commercial producer- and so I am probably a better judge.
No one may ever read my blog- I find I am not all that funny, much to my chagrin, and have a hard time getting out all the thoughts that flit through my head in a coherent manner. But I really don't care- I am not writing this to bask in the fame and fortune that being a pro 'blogger' brings ;) I just need a place to vent...
Like to cook? You can also check out my cooking blog (apparently I have lots of free time at my job...) at
I will be posting as something attaches itself to my ear and forces its way into my brain...